اكاديمية حــــم للتعليم المفتوح
7ameem Academy for open education

About 7ameem academy

The academy is dedicated to students in Gaza as a step to help restarting their academic studies after the deliberate destruction of their unievrsities by the occupying opressing army. We are working to build and collect as many courses as possible. The majority of the provided materials so far are focused on the area of electrical engineering and information technology.
The Site consists of three major parts: open courses (list), open courses (Nodebook) and learning management system. The first two sections provide open courses available for students to view and study. The learning management system is mainly for the examination and academic track record.

Open courses (Lists)

This link contains the courses in list form. The courses materials are provided under several categouries provided.

Open courses (NodeBook)

NodeBook is an easy and organized mean to create courses and books.In this link, the whole academy is arranged in node form. That might make it easier to track and move between courses. Also, some of the courses are made using nodebook. A link to the nodebook format for the course will be provided in this case.

Learning management system

This section is for the courses examination and academic record tracking. Courses with available assesment methods are posted
7ameem Academy | Contact us at: academy@7ameem.com |